by Danielle Tighe

MAY 31 2016

Wallpaper has been a cornerstone of interior design for centuries, largely because of the mood it can set for a room. It lets people surround themselves with styles that reflect their taste and personality, and evokes a certain atmosphere. When trends and needs for the space change, so can the wallpaper!


Wallpaper has been a cornerstone of interior design for centuries, largely because of the mood it can set for a room. It lets people surround themselves with styles that reflect their taste and personality, and evokes a certain atmosphere. When trends and needs for the space change, so can the wallpaper!

Thanks to evolving technology, wallpaper is now easier and safer to use than ever before. In fact, the advent of self-adhesive, removable wallpaper has created new opportunities for customers to really have fun with design. Today’s bold, geometric patterns complement many aesthetic preferences.

So, what could be next in wallpaper? We found there’s one style that’s always been admired, but hasn’t been readily available for most buyers. We’re talking about Chinoiserie, the timeless, elegant art form that consists of painterly landscapes. Once we learned there was interest, we had the wonderful experience of commissioning artists in Shanghai to hand-paint beautiful, original designs for Tempaper. Birds, flowers, trees, and lilly pads served as inspiration. Meanwhile, manufacturing processes were put into place at our NJ facility, and voila – the industry’s first line of affordable, customizable, removable Chinoiserie wallpaper is here.

We offer these tips for choosing the right Chinoiserie wallpaper for your space:

Chinoiserie wallpaper closeup

This will be like having a custom piece of art, so dive in and select a pattern and color palette that most “speaks” to you.

While Chinoiserie makes a stunning backdrop for classic décor, it can also be a great accent to contemporary or transitional décor based on the darker colors and metallic leaf finishes in gold, rose gold, and silver.

Consider the dimensions and layout of the space – whether it’s for a full wall(s), a section of a wall, or a framed partition, it’s important to know its surroundings. Chinoiserie is a special-order product and Tempaper offers help with layout to accommodate placement of furniture, dimensions, lighting, and other key factors. Designs are scalable to size.

Unlike traditional wallpaper sold in rolls, Chinoiserie wallpaper can come in widths up to 54” and extended to any height, so keep this in mind when planning for its installation. It can be a DIY project or put up by a professional.

Remember that samples are available so you can see how the colors will look in your room, and can be useful when choosing coordinating items for the room.

If toxicity is of concern to you, check the materials used. For example, Chinoiserie by Tempaper is printed on a fabric substraight. All materials used by Tempaper are Phthalate free, VOC free, certified by the child safety board and the FDA.

VOGUE.com is talking about Chinoiserie! This Chinoiserie Wallpaper Is Temporary, Affordable, and Basically a Dream Come True

Have fun exploring new Chinoiserie possibilities and get ready to be wowed with the results!

All Tempaper products are made in the USA.
